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Blog / Testimonials

Ünal, Turkey, January 2016
MAria Aviles / February 16, 2016

I want to say thank you to Am Language Studio, thank you for the time I spent here and for the given opportunity to get a great life and friends. If I tell one by one the names I couldn’t drink coffee until the morning. I will miss you all immensely.

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Yulia, Russia, January 2016
MAria Aviles / February 16, 2016

I'm certain of that our school is the first one of organizing student's time. High quality lessons are accompanied with interesting activities for free time. I can't choose my most memorable experience in Malta, all are special in some way.

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Gabriele, Italy, December 2015
Chris Knights / January 29, 2016

If you want to learn or improve your English, you HAVE TO choose AM Language Studio cause you can learn English in a funny way!!!! Thank you for all, I love you!!!! By the Cool guy Gabriele!

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Cristiana, Italy, December 2015
Chris Knights / January 29, 2016

Thank you to EVERY person at Am school, a huge thank you to Claudia Abela (from the Sales Office) and thank you to our specials “leaders”, always ready to entertain and help the students.

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Serena, Italy, December 2015
Chris Knights / January 29, 2016

I will never forget all the moments we made together. A part of me will always stay here!

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Valeria, Italy, December 2015
Chris Knights / January 29, 2016

I hope to see you again, in AM or any part of the world! The whole experience has been fabulous! I suggest everyone to live this International experience in AM at least once in your life!! Enjoy my friends and good luck for your lives! !kisses!

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Ayse, Germany, December 2015
Chris Knights / January 29, 2016

I sincerely recommend everyone to come to Malta but especially to take part in our school, AM LANGUAGE SCHOOL. It's like becoming a member of a big family, which will welcome you with open arms and a big hug.

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Ceylan, Turkey, December 2015
Chris Knights / January 29, 2016

I have a lot of friends in Malta and I’m living an unforgettable experience. I can always talk to people and I will never forget them. My advice, if you want to learn english, you should watch movies and reading book.

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Emre, Turkey, December 2015
Chris Knights / January 29, 2016

If you want to learn English, you should come to am Languages Studio. Activities all the time, a different experience waiting for you in Malta.

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Afdeline Castel, France, November 2015
Chris Knights / January 26, 2016

The entire trip was awesome! If you want to learn English with a professional team, share experiences with people from all nationalities and discover a beautiful country, come to Am Language Studio in Malta! You will never regret it.

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