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Blog / Testimonials

Jacopo, Italy, January 2017
MAria Aviles / February 3, 2017

I studied at am Language Studio for two months and it was one of the best experiences of my life. I chose this school because I found a good offer on the Internet to study in Malta and I read a lot of positive reviews about it.

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Park Gwangje, Korea, January 2017
MAria Aviles / February 3, 2017

I chose am Language Studio because I wanted a small school, cos I thought that when there is a lot of students, there is less concentration during the lessons.

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Anna, Russia, January 2017
MAria Aviles / February 3, 2017

For those who want to learn English, I would advice them to speak more with foreigners and learn a lot of words because vocabulary is very important if you want to speak very well a foreign language.

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Ciska, The Netherlands, January 2017
MAria Aviles / February 3, 2017

For all the people who want to learn English, I definitely would recommend am Language in Malta , specifically because at this school everyone gets to know each other and the teachers are really professional.

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Matteo, Italy, January 2017
MAria Aviles / February 3, 2017

The most difficult thing, when I arrived in Malta, was to understand and speak English. It was very difficult for me. Now thanks to the school I improved my English.

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Roberta, Italy, December 2016
MAria Aviles / January 4, 2017

Thanks to all flatmates, friends, teachers and leaders for the amazing experience!!! It’s been two months full of moments and emotions that I‘ll always bring with me!!!

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Francesca, Italy, December 2016
MAria Aviles / January 4, 2017

If you want to improve your English, live an unforgettable experience and meet fantastic people come in Malta and choose Am Language Studio!

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Marco, Italy, December 2016
MAria Aviles / January 4, 2017

I wish to thank everyone for this wonderful experience. The school is well organised and also the extra school activities are fine. There are excellent teachers and also a fantastic receptionist.

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Şükriye, Turkey, November 2016
MAria Aviles / December 7, 2016

I chose am Language studio because watching videos about Am language studio on Internet and I really like this school. So this is the right decision for me. I started elementary level and my last level is pre-intermediate.

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Kaori, Japan, November 2016
MAria Aviles / December 7, 2016

My agency highly recommended am Language Studio and they were right. The school is amazing! About my English, before I came to Malta when I tried to speak English, I couldn't even say half of what I wanted to say, but now I'm getting used to speaking English thanks to my teacher and friends!

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