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Blog / Testimonials

Julian Ewig, Germany, January 2019
MAria Aviles / January 23, 2019

Malta is a beautiful island, and I really enjoyed the amazing landscape. English has become a necessary skill for work, and in fact, all jobs require English.

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Irene Orecchioni, Italy, January 2019
MAria Aviles / January 22, 2019

I’d like to repeat this experience. At home I study a little bit but the best exercise in Malta is going out and speaking with other students. Every week I had something memorable.

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Agnieszka Permus, Poland, January 2019
MAria Aviles / January 22, 2019

I spent the best time of my life, and met amazing people and what’s important is that I improved my English.My advice is to go to Malta to AM Language Studio, and learn systematically (after each lesson) and don’t be afraid to speak with others even if your grammar is not of a high level.

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Javier, Spain, December 2018
MAria Aviles / December 10, 2018

The most challenging skill during my lessons is speaking. I never spoke in English before so that was the most difficult. My classmates are very nice

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Joice, Brazil, December 2018
MAria Aviles / December 10, 2018

My advice to everyone who wants to learn or improve their English is to come to Malta, follow lessons at AM Language Studio and speak as much as you can in English.

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Leandro, Italy, December 2018
MAria Aviles / December 10, 2018

Hi, my name is Leandro. I am from Italy and I am staying in Malta for 3 weeks.I chose AM Language Studio because the website really attracted me and the courses where not too expensive

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Natan,Germany,December 2018
MAria Aviles / December 10, 2018

The most memorable experience of Malta was the trip to Gozo. We saw a lot of the island and we had a very nice group

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Marco Maludrottu, Italy, December 2018
MAria Aviles / December 4, 2018

I really enjoyed the quality of the lessons because every day there were different tasks and themes, and that’s what made every lesson more interesting and kept me motivated.

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Antoinette,France, November 2018
MAria Aviles / November 6, 2018

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Juliana de Oliveira, Brazil, November 2018
MAria Aviles / November 6, 2018

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