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Marcelo, Brazil, October 2016
MAria Aviles / November 8, 2016

Marcelo, Brazil, October 2016
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Hi, my name is Marcello and I’m from Brazil! I have been studying at Am Language for 7 weeks and my school’s choice to learn English couldn’t have been better. All the staff, teachers and social coordinators received me in a welcoming and warming way.
The most challenging and important thing in my studies was became more confident in my speaking. Apply grammar learning in my daily conversations and speaking with different people of all the world and different accents was essential for my knowledge in a foreign language.
At am language I have met people of different countries and cultures that enabled to swap life experiences. I have done not only classmates, but really good friends that I’ll remember and try to keep in touch for all my life. They were my family while I was here. Thank you for all the unique and unforgettable moments by your side guys!
Also Malta is a incredible place with awesome landscapes that I have known with the leisure team and friends. For sure I’ll return here. I only have to say THANK YOU for all the things that studying at am Language has made possible!
#SeeYouSoon #SpeakEnglishPlease