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Lubomira, Slovakia, February 2016
MAria Aviles / March 8, 2016

Lubomira, Slovakia, February 2016
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Am Language testimonial, Lubomira from Slovakia:

Hi. I’m Lubomira from Slovakia.I’ve been studying in Malta for six months.Firstly,I decided to study English abroad,because I wanted to improve my English. Although I studied English at the high school.I didn’t speak very well,almostĀ  nothing,before I came here,when i was choosing a school,the most important thing was not only a good price,but good references too. Honestly,i didn’t know anything about am School before, because that time wasn’t my first time in Malta,I wanted to choose right. I can say that I didn’t regret my choise.I found a lot of new friends and I could know another cultures,traditional habits…Secondly when I arrived here I started as pre-intermediate and then after 1 month I changed my level to ntermediate.Therefore I can see progress not only in my English but in my personality too , I want to say big thanks to all teachers mainly Seema, Andre, Danielle and Tesa.They were my teachers for a long time and every lesson with them were full of fun..But I had a lot of teachers , who have different ways of teaching and all of them are very helpful,friendly and patient. That experience gave me many valuable advices for my future’s life. I’m glad I met everyone of them,my classmates ,flatmates,roommates. Am School offer a lot of leisure activities and it is good an opportunity to meet people, who can be a good or best friend.I’m thankful that I met all of you and I could spend my free time with you. Big thanks to everybody. Take care of yourselves. I hope to see soon again. Advice to everyone of you thinking about some course in a foreign country. If you choose this school, you will never regret your decision. I will never forget my experience here.