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Helena Lopez, Spain, July 2018
MAria Aviles / July 3, 2018

Helena Lopez, Spain, July 2018
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Hello everyone, I am Helena and I’m from Spain. I have studied english at am Language Studio for a month, I chose am Language Studio because my friend suggested it to me. I Studied in intermediate class. My teacher was Antonia Godhwani. I liked the way that she was teaching in the lessons. I think  the most challenging skill was the grammar. I really enjoyed the lessons which were very flowing. I learned a lot from my classmates about their cultures. I studied at home to improve my english also the most memorable experience was the relationship I had with the people from am language studio. My advice to those who wish to learn english is to live new experiences in other countries and meet new people.

Hola a todos, soy Helena y soy de España, estudie en am Language Studio por un mes, escogí esta escuela porque mi amigo me sugirió, mi nivel es intermedio, mi profesora fue Antonia, me gusto la manera de como nos enseñaba, creo que lo más desafiante habilidad fue la gramática, me divertí mucho en mi clases, y aprendi diferentes culturas, estudie en casa para mejorar mi ingles,  mi experiencia mas memorable fue la relación que tuve con la personas de am Language Studio, mi consejo para que el que desee aprender ingles es que vivan nuevas experiencias  en otros paises y conozcan nuevas personas.