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Erhan, Turkey, September 2015
Chris Knights / January 8, 2016

Erhan, Turkey, September 2015
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Hi everybody and arkadasims. I am Erhan from Turkey. I have been in Malta for almost a year and it was my first experience living abroad. In my opinion Malta is the best place for the first time because you can meet with a lot of new friends and cultures. I had chosen AM by reasons of price and activities. And now thanks to AM Language I can explain myself in English, before I was not able to speak well. I always enjoyed in class., lessons were so enjoyable. I will never forget my beautiful teachers. “Michelle P. (My older sister), Michelle C. (My great friend), Monica (my lovely second mother) and others. And who works in the school from head to foot I thank you a lot for your wonderfulness. I also did an internship. I was an airport representative and it was how I improved my English a lot. I want to say thanks very much to Albert. You were my director but I felt you were like a big brother. I had such a great time in Malta with some stories, cultural things and amazing friends. Everyone has to have an experience like that. My advice for everyone who wants to learn English, go to a place where you can speak it on the street. To learn English is to learn the English culture.