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Blog / Archive

Mini Group Practical English for the Work Environment
MAria Aviles / January 1, 2018

This course is based on helping professionals to improve their level of English so as to be able to communicate effectively in the work environment.

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Mini Group Combination Business English
MAria Aviles / January 1, 2017

This course is an ideal way for students to combine a Business English course with individual attention. Students have the opportunity to develop their general language ability in group classes and focus on their specific needs with individual sessions when they can focus on specific areas of Business English with their teacher.

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Individual Business English
MAria Aviles / January 1, 2017

Individual lessons with the full and continuous attention of the teacher offers students the opportunity to practise and go over areas of their choice. Students with a clear idea of their future business career path can tailor their lessons with their teacher to their chosen field. The number and duration of the sessions can be set according to their own preferences.

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Mini Group Intensive Business English – 30
MAria Aviles / January 1, 2017

With this course students can maximise their studies by following a more intensive programme. The course is designed to let students cover new material on the basis of what they already know. By devoting more hours to tuition, students can give their Business English a real kick-start in a relatively short period of time.

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