
The EFL Monitoring Board, a part of the Malta Ministry of Education, aims to stimulate, promote and safeguard the EFL profession and encourage proficient use of the English Language on a national basis. Their objectives include improving standards in EFL teachers’ qualifications, maintaining and operating quality assurance systems of English language stays through periodic rigorous audits and to foster Malta’s reputation as an international learning centre of repute in all aspects of ELT stays. am Language Studio is licensed by the ELT Council and all teachers are also individually licenced based on qualifications, experience and continuous professional development.

FELTOM (Federation of English Language Teaching Organisations Malta), was set up in 1989 and its main aim is to advance the quality of English Language Education in Malta and develop cooperation between licensed English language schools. As a founding member of FELTOM, am Language Studio strives to maintain and improve standards for the benefit of students visiting the school. Being a FELTOM- accredited English language school means that the school has successfully passed a rigorous and stringent accreditation process and been awarded a seal of quality.

ISO 9001
Guidance and procedures lead to good practice in any business. ISO is a management system that helps a company develop good business practices to ensure quality assurance. Over one million companies and organizations in 170 countries are currently certified by ISO 9001 and am Language Studio is one of them. At am Language Studio we strive to offer our students the best services possible in every aspect of their stay.

In Germany, Bildungsurlaub (vacation leave) is paid company leave granted to German nationals wishing to further their eduction in Bildungsurlaub accepted courses. am Language Studio is qualified under the Bildungsurlaub scheme to provide a variety of courses to people wishing to further their knowledge of the English language. Different states offer different courses for people so please contact us for more information of what courses can be offered.

The TOLES examinations were developed to meet the demand from law firms, companies, legal institutions, lawyers and law students for an accurate method of assessing an individual’s proficiency of legal English. TOLES has been developed by legal professionals with expertise in English language training. It is the result of extensive consultation with law firms and institutions and is regularly revised to reflect the on-going changes that occur within the legal profession. am Language Studio is licensed to provide quality examination courses for students wishing to take the TOLES examination.