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ERASMUS + Strategic partnership
MAria Aviles / December 4, 2017

ERASMUS + Strategic partnership
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3rd Transnational Meeting held at the Estonian Massage and Therapy School, Tallin, Estonia

Linda Azzopardi, Director of Studies at Clubclass Malta recently attended the 3rd Transnational Meeting of the Erasmus + Project Innovative teaching methods for development of communication skills in English for massage teachers and students which was held at the Estonian Massage and Therapy School in Tallinn, Estonia. This event took place over three days and brought together representatives from the partner organisations involved in this strategic partnership – Clubclass Malta, am Language Studio Malta, and M.I.Massaažikool OÜ Estonia. Due to unforseen circumstances, a representative from Clubclass London was unable to attend.

The objectives of the 3rd Transnational Project Meeting were to:
• discuss the completed tasks of the project
• overview the budget
• overview the project
• update and confirm the responsibilities table
• discuss the dissemination and evaluation of activities
• discuss the roles and responsibilities of each partner establishing
• planning of the final transnational project meeting to be held in Malta in 2018

A representative from the Estonian National Agency also attended one of the meetings in order to be shown the Professional English Integrated E-Course – English for Massage Therapists, that has been put together by the partners. The course consists of:
• Syllabus
• Topic 1 – body parts/medical English/useful vocabulary/ phrases
• Topic 2 – health benefits of massage/therapist – client interaction

The e-course has been designed in Word format so that students can print out exercises. It also includes a progress bar which allows students to check their progress and gives deadlines for assignments/tasks. Anyone interested in English for Massage Therapists can access this e-course free of charge available at https://moodle.hitsa.ee/course/view.php?id=20768.