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Victoria, Italy, August 2016
MAria Aviles / September 14, 2016

Victoria, Italy, August 2016
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Hi, I’m Victoria, I come from Italy. I decided to go to Malta to improve my English for my future. I stayed in Malta for three months and now Its my last 2 weeks and I know that I will miss here so much! I think that this is a beautiful experience for two reasons: first one is I started a good relation with my teachers, and the second reason is that you canchoose a lot of activities organized by the school. You can also meet with our lovely leaders. I want to say thanks to my teacher Tessa who helped me to improve my English skills.
I enjoyed and I met a lot of people and now they are my big family. I’m really happy with my choice and I recommend all of you this kind of experience which can open the doors of your heart! ? Thank you so much for all am Language Studio!