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Théo,France, May 2016
MAria Aviles / June 8, 2016

Théo,France, May 2016
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Hello. I am Théo and I come from France. I was in Malta for only 2 weeks. I arrived in Malta with my best friend Johan to improve my English and discover the beautiful Maltese Islands. To be honest, some of my friends went in Croatia, for 2 weeks also, at the end of our trip we had to choose which country we would go back all together next summer; Malta or Croatia. However, during my 2 weeks I met wonderful people: Marta, Fatih, Joy, Joyce, Béri, Amparo … who helped me with everything. Sometimes, they told me that I was living in Leisure Office because I spent with them a lot of my time . I was integrated in the school since the first moment I saw them. I like this kind of personalities. Of course, during 2 weeks I did many activities, as many as possible, which allowed me to visit this beautiful country in different ways. I recommend Malta to all my friends! Of course, 2 weeks isn’t enough to improve a lot my English but I spoke every day with the students at school and also outside school during activities, so yes, I think I improved it. Thanks a lot to my lovely teacher Danielle.
Moreover, I keep chatting and calling the people I met in Malta, so I can keep improving my English even if I’m in France now
Whatever happens, I’ll come one more time but for a longer trip. Finally, with Johan, we convinced our friends to come in Malta.
Thank you so much to am.
Language Studio for this amazing experience and see you later, Malta is waiting for me!